Types of IGBT
2025-01-15 14:20:21

1. Discrete IGBT

Discrete IGBTs consist of a single IGBT chip and an FRD chip packaged in a discrete transistor form on a copper frame. Common package types for discrete IGBTs include TO-247 and TO-220. Discrete IGBTs feature three main terminals: gate, collector, and emitter. These devices can support high voltage and large current while providing fast switching characteristics. They are often used in medium and low power applications, such as household appliances, motor drives, and UPS (uninterruptible power supplies).

TO-220 plug-in Series Products: These come in a variety of packaging forms and can be customized with internally insulation packages to suit system applications. The insulation withstand voltage exceeds 2500V, which eliminates the need for insulation pads between the device and heat sink, simplifying the production process.

TO-247 Series High-Power Products: This series is the common packages in the industry divided into industrial-grade and automotive-grade. The maximum current reaches 120A, with future plans to 160A, meeting the demand for high power with small size design.

All IGBTs require a fast diode in parallel to handle reactive current in the load, reducing capacitor charging time and suppressing high voltage induced by the instantaneous reverse of load current. To match the improved frequency and performance of these power electronic devices, the diode must exhibit fast turn-on and turn-off capabilities,meaning short reverse recovery time (trr), low reverse recovery current (IRRM), and soft recovery characteristics.

2. IGBT Modules

IGBT modules are modular semiconductor products formed by bridging IGBT and FWD (free wheeling diode) chips through specific circuit packaging. Standard IGBT module packaging also includes another free wheeling diode within the same package. The module is encapsulated with a large amount of silicone gel and a plastic shell, offering advantages such as energy efficiency, easy installation&maintenance and stable heat dissipation.

From top to bottom, an IGBT module comprises three main parts: the chip, DBC (Direct Bonded Copper) and a metal heat sink (usually using copper). The DBC is composed of three layers: top and bottom metal layers sandwiching a middle insulating ceramic layer. Compared to ceramic substrates, DBC provides superior performance, including lighter weight, better thermal conductivity and higher reliability.

3. IPM (Intelligent Power Module)

IPM integrates multiple components such as resistors, capacitors, drive ICs, IGBTs, and FRDs into a smart power module system. They feature excellent consistency in switching parameters between components, low cost and high reliability. Compared to traditional discrete switching devices, IPM includes built-in drive circuits and optimized power device drive conditions. The distance between the drive circuit and the grid of the power device is very short and the output impedance is very low.Therefore, it is not easy to be disturbed and there is no need to add reverse bias.

IPM modules are typically used in motor controllers or inverters, with specific placement varying by application.In Motor Controllers: IPM modules act as core components for driving and controlling motor operation. They are connected with power supplies, sensors and other control circuits to form a complete motor control system. By receiving instructions from the controller and adjusting current and voltage based on motor speed and load parameters, IPM controls motor start, stop, speed and direction.In Inverters: IPM modules are connected to power supplies, motors and sensors. By receiving the instructions from the controller, the frequency and voltage of the power supply are adjusted according to the speed and load of the motor, so as to realize the stepless speed control of the motor.

In summary,the application position of IPM module in motor controller and inverter is to realize intelligent control and efficient operation of motor, so as to improve the efficiency and performance of the whole system.